'At BALAM Agriculture, we believe that knowledge transfer is fundamental.'

Balam Agriculture has been committed for many years to R+D+i for the genetic improvement of the olive grove. In this sense, the company produces 'Sultana', a new olive variety. What are its characteristics and how does it differ from the rest of the varieties?

BALAM Agriculture is proud to launch 'Sultana', the high density olive variety that has set a milestone in the market. 'Sultana' is the result of research and development in collaboration with the University of Cordoba. This variety combines the best of the Arbosana, Sikitita, Picual and Arbequina varieties, making it a unique and exceptional choice. Its distinctive characteristics, which place it above the rest of the varieties available in the market, include: high productivity, early ripening, prolonged veraison without risk of dropping, long harvesting period, high fat yield and larger fruit. In addition, its low vigor and weeping habit make it ideal for high density cultivation as it has lower pruning costs and does not require topping. In summary, 'Sultana' is destined to lead the high density olive grove, so whoever bets on it now will have a competitive advantage in the future.

BALAM Agriculture is also involved in the research and development of new technological solutions that allow an even more efficient and sustainable crop management. What tools does it use to achieve this goal?

At BALAM Agriculture, thanks to our R+D+i department, we work every day in the development of innovative technological solutions that allow a more efficient and sustainable management of our farms. We are talking, for example, about the design and installation of cutting-edge irrigation systems, geo-radar and sensor soil monitoring, pressure chambers for optimized irrigation or the latest generation of harvesters for mechanized harvesting. These technologies allow us to optimize the use of key resources, reducing costs and maximizing profitability for farmers.

Another of the company's commitments is to promote training among farmers in the olive grove and olive oil industry. What is the focus of this training and how does it help them?

As part of our commitment to the olive sector, at BALAM Agriculture we believe that knowledge transfer is fundamental. Therefore, we frequently give theoretical and practical courses on specific topics to groups of farmers, as well as guided tours to our demonstration farm El Valenciano where they can learn about the management of a cutting-edge olive grove farm. In addition, we produce contents with a didactic approach that we share in our social networks, something that we have noticed is very popular and connects very well with the youngest and that we consider important for the generational renewal of our field.

What message can you convey to the olive oil and olive grove sector to attend the World Olive Oil Congress?

From BALAM Agriculture, we invite all the actors of the olive oil sector to attend the World Olive Oil Congress, which will be a unique opportunity to exchange experiences, establish contacts and discover the latest trends in the industry. As sponsors of the congress, we will have a prominent presence that will allow us to establish synergies and share knowledge for a more prosperous and sustainable future of our sector. See you soon!