BALAM Agriculture promotes olive grove modernization in Italy

Juan Carlos Canñasveras (BALAM Agriculture) interviene en el evento `Viaggio in un nuovo olio`

BALAM Agriculture is expanding its influence in Italy with important initiatives and strategic collaborations, opening new business opportunities and leading efforts to modernize olive production in the country. Juan Carlos Cañasveras, Business Development Director, and Daniel Marfil Vara, Marketing and Communication Director, held several meetings and actions in this regard.

BALAM Agriculture, as a leading company in the sector, was invited to participate in the event “Viaggio in un nuovo olio”, promoted by Consorzio Oliveti d'Italia and Assoproli and sponsored by the Region of Puglia and the Municipality of Trani, to talk about new varieties and the modernization of olive growing in Spain.

El Dr. Ingeniero Agrónomo Juan Carlos Cañasveras participated in the block “From Olive to Oil: comparing experiences” with the lecture “Production of excellence in modern Spanish olive growing”.

The data presented and the photograph of the evolution of high-density olive groves in Spain, without renouncing in any case to the quality of EVOO, aroused great interest among the more than one hundred businessmen and farmers attending the event, who are not yet so used to seeing modern olive grove plantations in the region.

Successful cases such as the collaboration in the genetic improvement program with the University of Cordoba and the obtaining of the new Sultana variety, added to the company's extensive experience in the management of high density olive groves, are only the beginning of what BALAM Agriculture is promoting in Italy.

Within the framework of the event, BALAM also had the opportunity to collaborate with leading Italian professionals in the sector, such as Professor Salvatore Camposeo and Alessandro Leone. This exchange of knowledge and experience is essential to foster innovation and sustainable development in global olive growing.


BALAM Agriculture is actively collaborating with the University of Cordoba in its genetic improvement program, within which new varieties resistant to Xylella fastidiosa are being developed. This bacterium has devastated olive groves in the Apulia region, where millions of trees have been affected since its detection in 2013. The introduction of resistant varieties is crucial for the recovery and modernization of olive groves in southern Italy.

During their stay in Italy, representatives of BALAM Agriculture and Doctor of Agricultural Engineering from the University of Cordoba, Pedro Valverde, visited different farms in Apulia, working together with local institutions in the search for solutions to the crisis caused by Xylella fastidiosa.